The Health Agency

Positive Moves

Positive Moves aims to support people living in South West Edinburgh to become more physically active and maintain a healthy diet long term. We will help you to make small changes in your everyday routines that will set you on track for a healthier lifestyle, improving both your physical and mental health. Being more active and eating a healthier diet is a positive step for everyone and adopting these behaviours has a positive impact on mental wellbeing as well as your physical health.

The process starts with an initial one-to-one chat to explore your individual health needs. You may then be invited to join one of our many groups or classes or we may recommend another service in Edinburgh – depending on what’s best for you and your current situation.

You can self refer to our service or you may be referred by your GP or other healthcare professional if you need help with weight management or have one or more long term health condition such as type 2 diabetes; high blood pressure; high cholesterol; arthritis; COPD or pre diabetes.

Our activities are suitable for all levels of fitness, regardless of your health and wellbeing. We offer gentle exercise classes suitable for people with mobility issues and those new or returning to exercise.  These include chair based exercise classes, yoga, walking football, an exercise class for cancer prehab patients and a walking group. We also offer supported gym sessions in a local gym and advice on diet and goal setting through our regular healthy lifestyle group ‘Make a Change’. Our classes range in price from free up to £3.

In addition we regularly run other groups, these have recently included a Men’s gym group and Health Walk with a Doc groups focusing on Type 2 Diabetes and perimenopause/menopause. Details of new groups starting can be found on our Facebook page

Depending on your circumstances you can also benefit from supported low-cost access to local facilities for gym, swim, and fitness classes.

If you would like to get involved or want to find out more, click the Access or refer to our services button.

Or you can call us on 0131 453 9400 and leave a message with your phone number so we can call you back, or email

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