Meet the team
The Organisation
The Health Agency is a community led organisation that over the years has demonstrated a successful record in delivering social capital outcomes within Wester Hailes and wider South West Edinburgh. It has been making a positive impact on the lives of local residents since it was established in 1999 and is a significantly valued resource.
The legal structure of the Agency is that of a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. There are currently seven Board Members who live or work in the local community.
Healthy Living Centre
Because of the significant and valued role The Health Agency plays in tackling health inequalities in the community, NHS Lothian agreed to provide accommodation for us in the new Wester Hailes Healthy Living Centre which opened in summer 2013. This has enhanced the working relations with the community health, social care and family support services which are also based in the building.
Our two public sector partners, NHS Lothian and City of Edinburgh Council are jointly responsible for the development and we are located at the green reception desk at the Harvesters Way end of the building.